Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Succeed with To-Do Lists - Hints All Internet Marketers Need to Know

Raising your productivity is all about knowing how to be as organized as possible so that you can get more done during the day. In this article we'll teach you how to create your to-do list in a way that automatically increases your level of productivity.

Give Yourself Meaningful Rewards: If you successfully finish your to-do list, give yourself a treat! Offering yourself a reward for putting forth some real effort is a great way to keep up your motivation level so you can reach future goals too. You, as a human, have it in your nature to run from pain and run toward pleasure so the treat you offer yourself provides a much needed incentive. For instance, tell yourself that you'll take your spouse out for a great dinner if you finish your to-do list. Offering yourself a reward creates internal incentive and helps you feel happy about working toward your goal. Beyond that, as you work on your to-do list, you will have your eyes fixed on your prize and that provides the added incentive to finish your to-do list even faster. So go ahead and decide how you'll reward yourself to make your to-do list work. Leave the List Visible All Day Long: If you want to take consistent action on your to-do list then it has to be visible all day long because that's the only way you're going to be pushed to take consistent action on it. You should focus your efforts on making sure you're not ignoring your list because it's easy to get caught up in something that's distracting, and lose your concentration from completing your to do list. For instance, let's say that you have your to do list in an application that's open in your web browser - ensure that you don't close this browser so that it's in front of you all time. In addition to that, when the list is always visible it seems more urgent and that helps provide motivation to keep working on completing the tasks that are on it.

Have a Separate Section to Write Down Your Ideas: It's incredibly common that, while you work through your to-do list, you will think of things to do that feel like they need to be taken care of right then and there.

Obviously you should not give in to your urges here because if you do you won't be able to finish your to-do list. Rather than that, you should build a separate area in which you can write down your ideas and take notes when you feel like it. You can easily see to these ideas and tasks later, after you have finished with your to-do list.

When you use these tips to make your to-do list it becomes easy to see that these lists aren't just about taking action, they're also to help you stay correctly organized.

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